Monday, September 25, 2006


So, now that the waiting to move and carry on with our lives is over,what do we do now? What's the next step? I've been feeling a little unsettled lately I think because I don't know exactly what that next step is. I know I want my master's degree and that I want to go to Grad School but, I also want to eat. I am currently an Astrophysics major, they dont' have an Astrophysics masters program here, I think I can actualy get my bachellor's done in two years. Do I stay here and get a masters either in Physics education or applied physics and go on to grad work wherever I can manage to get accepted? Or, do I skip town once I have my bachelor's degree and get my masters in something a little more up my alley and inline with what I want to do. I would rather put together a master's thesis on cosmology or theoretical physics rather than how to teach retarded high school students something most of them dont' want to bother with. Does it really matter what my bachelor's or masters is in to be able to get my PhD in Astrophysics?

I thought about speaking with my Astrophysics professor, and maybe I still wil but, I jsut feel like I'm in the way, like I'm just bothering these people who don't know me and may not have a vested interest in me as a student....I guess I could talk to my academic advosor as well but, I still feel aprehensive about the whole thing. I guess in a way I still feel like I'm back at JCC where they just want to get you through and into a job at the end and not necessarily give you a broader understanding of not only the world around you but, yourself as well. That and I feel that my acedemic advisor would push for the physics education masters because, that's what he's all about and he's trying to recruit anybody even remotely interested in the program.........

Saturday, September 16, 2006


I ran across this site today looking for some information on a book my calc teacher had mentioned in class the other day. The notes I have are Cantor ( a methematician that went insane contemplating the infinite. The title of the book that I was given was "The search for the Aleph" and was supposed to be a story of Cantor's life and work but, alas, I seem to have come up empty handed. I did find a title by one of my favorite authors Amir D. Aczel titled, "The Mystery of the ALEPH" but, can't find that at my campus library either wich surprises me becasue the library at NAU is riggin HUGE....

Monday, September 11, 2006

Star Wars

Friday, September 08, 2006

Transportation, Check

Well, I finally gave up on getting a kick-ass chopper bike and decided to just go to wally-world and get a cheap-ass mountain bike. Something that would give me some good ol transportation back and forth to classes. Well, lo and behold, there sat a fresh new wicked green Schwinn Stingray. I was totally amazed. I oh so carefully got it off the rack and set it on the floor, still sure that it would just be way too small. It wasn't. I even asked my dear wife the untimate litmus question, "do I look stupid?" her answer was no so, as we speak it sits lovingly locked to the bike rack just outside my window, I haven't even ridden it yet with the exception of the four feet in wally-world. The best part, I only paid $79 for it, not $179 but, just $79. My dear wife even asked if the price was correct at the register after it rang up for a bit less than expected. The cashier checked it out and said, "yup, it rings up as $79.00". Sweet...

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Ok, these images really freak me out. Especially the dental asistant, it looks more like the hand of Jesus is stedying the hand of dental tourture. Jus tlook at the face of the guy being worked on, this is jsut freaky... And what's up with the golfer image, where the hell is the other half of Jebus and why does he seem inpatient, is he waiting for his turn, will he be taking this guy away after he makes this last put and dies of cardiac arrest? I will not sleep tonight thanx to these images......

Monday, September 04, 2006


So, the process of getting from the science building to the SBS building sux. I have only made it to Folklore ontime once. This got me to thinkin, I really need a bike. But, what kind of bike. The bike you ride says as much about you as what kind of car you drive wich, incidentally is an 89 Lincoln Town Car, grey, big, and rusting. I was really thinking about one of those off the shelf cruiser bikes like the Schwinn Stinray. It's one boss bike, but I may not exactly fit it all that well as it is a smaller bike and I'm 5'10" and 33. So I started looking around, Taget has a cruiser that's not quite as cool but, is for adults. Unsatisfied I looked some more and found this. That's just super-fuckin'-cool. Now only if I can get access to the campus machine shop (I don't even relaly kow if it exists or where it might be).

After thinking about this project for a little while I started remembering why I got out of engineering, I love to make the plans, figure out the details, then I'm done. Would I ever really get this thing made before I graduate. Hell, will I ever graduate even?

At any rate, I started evaluating what my needs are and it turns out, I needs something practical, something to ride over all kinds of terrain, and something that can cut in and out of both vehicular traffic as well as pedestrians and it looks like the Overkill isn't it. I still want to build this bike someday but, not becasue I need wheels, because I want to build it and someday ride it, not to get my ass back and forth to classes within a week or two...

someday Overkill, someday......


Well, first week of school down and everything seems OK. I was really worried about both Calc II and Physics II. Calc was weird becasue the calc I that I took was definitly not the calc I that is taught here and everyone really seemed farther ahead than me even though I have been through calc II. After the professor went over homework questions wich was almost half of the questions assigned I didn't feel like everyone was light years ahead of me anymore, that and he gave us an extension on the due date wich was great...Physics was a question too untill we had our first quiz, was really easy and I got a prefect score but, we'll see how the rest of them go, the homework that he assigns is much harder than the quiz questions, hopefully nothing will come up behind me this semster...

anyway, the library here is great too! It's friggin huge and they have so much, I guess moving from a piddly little community college that had one stack of scinece books to a university library that had a room of scince books makes a difference...