Finally Here
Well, we have finally made it to Flagstaff, Arizona and I for one, am very glad I don't have to move for a looooong time. I have been very impressed so far, by NAU. Not only are the facilities and the campus set in one of the most scenic backdrops imagineable but, the people here are great. I have never had such an easy time getting things done like, ID cards, parking permits, moving into housing. It was amazing how much everyone was customer service oriented and as a student, i felt that I really mattered!
I have already had a chance to speak with a few of my professors and look forward to speaking with them throughout the semester. There is one physics professor in particular that I seemed to make an immediate connection with and that seemed genuinely interested in me as well.
well, more later, for now I still need to get used to this 3 hour time difference....
I have already had a chance to speak with a few of my professors and look forward to speaking with them throughout the semester. There is one physics professor in particular that I seemed to make an immediate connection with and that seemed genuinely interested in me as well.
well, more later, for now I still need to get used to this 3 hour time difference....