Well, here I am again, finals are over and I've been accepted to UCBoulder and NAU, not sure where we're going yet but, wer're going damn it! At any rate, I sold my creation, the majestic Supontover (Suzuki, Pontiac, Land Rover) that I built with my own two hands. Some would call it an abomination, others art, still others have nightmares where it chases them in the night through some dark rain drenched back alley...
anyway, I sold it on Ebay where I bought it from some years ago and it was sold to someone who I know isn't gonna love it as much as me, they bought it casue ti looked cool or the idea of it sounded cool to them and I know in my heart it isn't going to be what they thought it was going to be and it's going to wind up left out in thecold half torn apart eventually to be sold as scrap or towed away to sit and rot because the suck-ass wont' put up the clams to get it out of hock.
I totally kow how Dr. Frankestein felt, you have to let go even though you know it most likely will mean your creation's destruction. To you dear abonination of mine, I leave this post in rememberance, as long as I think of you, you will still exist...